Today was a hard day.
Yesterday was hard too.
Honestly, these past few months have really taken their toll on me. I know that technically the pandemic is slowing down, however, life seemed a lot easier when I had nowhere to go. Now that I'm starting to transition back to normal life I'm left with a lot of questions.
- How do I keep my kids safe?
- How many social skills did I lose?
- Will my 2 year old ever learn to be social after almost 2 years of seeing very few people?
- How do I feel about my kids returning to school?
- Why does it feel overwhelming to return to "normal"?
- Why is my husband handling this so much better than me?
- What the Eff is up with the housing market?
- What routines did we develop during the pandemic do I want to keep? What skill sets were helpful?
- Which habits do I need to get out of now?
The End Can Be a Beginning
Do you remember where you were on September 11? I remember knowing that flying in an airport would never be the same. I feel like the pandemic is similar. This whole year and a half has drastically changed a lot about how we interact with each other. As we transition back to life as more regular I plan to keep some of my better habits. Like taking the time to do the crossword.
It's OK to have NO CLUE what you are doing.
I certainly don't feel like I know. And as a parent I know that I have done my damned best to make sure that my kids were not scarred by the pandemic. Only time will tell me if I've done my job right.
I just want to encourage you to take a deep breath. If you are feeling overwhelmed today or tomorrow you are not alone.
IF all you've done is get through the day, guess what? You still did it. You're here. And tomorrow is a new chance.
Lots of love peeps
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